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Virtual Talk About Space
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Virtual event.  Please register at link.

The Virtual Talk is FREE to attend: please click here to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/…/reg…/WN__wsqioUvQguh0-v3-Mkvug
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Jerry Woodfill is a former Apollo 11 and 13 Spacecraft Warning System Engineer. Jerry managed the spacecraft warning systems at the onset of the lunar landing program, so that he was monitoring spacecraft Eagle’s descent when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. Likewise, on April 13, 1970, Jerry was monitoring Apollo 13’s warning system when the vehicle exploded.
For his role in the rescue of Apollo 13, he shared the Presidential Medal of Freedom as a member of the Apollo 13 Mission Operations Team.
A popular educational speaker, he often presents a recreation of President John Kennedy’s Rice Stadium Moon Race talk. Present as a student, Jerry was inspired by JFK’s message to the extent that it led to Jerry’s more than half century career at NASA. For his outreach efforts Jerry was recently awarded “The Power of One Award” by NASA’s Johnson Space Center’s External Relations Office as well as the astronauts’ personal award for professional excellence, the Silver Snoopy.